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SAW BOSS K12 Sticker

SAW BOSS K12 Sticker

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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4" x 2.5" rectangular sticker.

We did a short run of these specifically for our K12 class. I slap them on the top of the saw facing the user so that they're reminded constantly of one of the key ideas we harp on again and again in our class:

"Don't push!....Let ME do the work!"

I put them on our saws at work too for the same reason....if you see it enough, it might sink in!

I didn't really get these made for the purpose of selling them, but I did enough that if anyone wants one for their saw or their truck or something I'd have some extra.

FYI: These are 4" x 2.5"....a little big for most helmets except in the tailboard area.

ALSO FYI: If you are going to put these ON A SAW, make sure you clean the area very well with windex or some other light degreaser and that it is dry to the touch and not greasy.....otherwise the sticker will not stick!

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